Parkland Press



everything you need to know about the PHS yearbook and newspaper

Parkland High School is located in Northeast El Paso. The Parkland Press is a journalistic organization that publishes the Parkland Press Newspaper and The Arena Yearbook for Parkland High School. Both are student-run publications and are paid for and produced by students.


Adviser: June C. Straight

Parkland High School

5932 Quail Avenue

El Paso, TX 79925


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Don't wait until the last minute to order your book

Prices go up throughout the year

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Early bird price: $45


After Aug 31

After Dec, 31

After May 14




What's in the yearbook

Student Editorial Board

Editors of The Arena Yearbook and Parkland Press reserve the right to select all content and priority of stories. The board consists of staff editors, all of which may change and/or grow throughout the year. The board also oversees and manages the finances of the publication unless a business manager has been named. The board will vote on any issues of coverage, should they arise.

Big Events

The yearbook staff works hard to cover the big moments on campus including homecoming, championship games and pep rallies.

Student stories

We also work hard to find the stories about our students. We cover fashion, jobs, music, as well as student activities and organizations.

Student photos

In a addition to student portraits, our students are responsible for taking pictures of all the big and small moments that make up the year.

Business, organization and Student ads


Business ad size






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Illustrative Spot Man Using His Tablet


Personal ad size






Campus organizations

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Journalistic Spread:

$100, 2 pages

For sports, we typically offer one spread per varsity team and one spread with combined JV/9th grade sports combined. However, coaches may order more spreads than that. Please let me know which teams/organizations you want covered on your spread(s). You can also request to combine organizations that have similar purposes or activities. I will review that request and determine if we can cover the groups together.

Team/Club Senior Dedication: Spread (Additional $200) or

Page (Additional $120)

Coaches and club sponsors can purchase a full page senior dedication ad to feature senior players or club members. This means that you can determine all of the content on the page, including posed shots, selfies, special portraits, group shots and a message or letter to the seniors graduating from your program. The cost of this full-page senior ad (max. 12 photos and 200 words of text) is just an additional $120, a discounted rate for faculty and staff. A spread costs $200 (two facing pages, max. 24 photos). Please note that these pages are in addition to the spread you reserve for $100. The senior ad pages will be designed by yearbook staff but you will be able to make any changes, customize it and approve it before it prints.

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Clean Expressive Employee Reviewing Critical Document

Prior Review Policy

Because the publication is created by students, for students, prior review by outside sources should be avoided and the staff should take precautions to report the story of the year fairly, fully and responsibly.

Sources will be able to review quotes VERBALLY at the time of the interview, but will not be able to arbitrarily demand to read a reporter’s completed story OR DRAFT OR STORIES and perform editing tasks on it. The school yearbook will not, within all boundaries of the law, reveal a source who asked to remain nameless. Additionally, no prior review of the content of the paper or yearbook is permitted from ANYONE outside of the staff. This is in order to protect free speech, encourage freedom of expression and thought, and to encourage the constitutional, democratic principles on which our country was founded.

Return Policy

Returns: Once ordered, the Arena Yearbook staff does not process refunds under normal circumstances.

  • What are normal circumstances? Normal circumstances are when a student or parent are displeased or disinterested with the book and would like a refund. Please understand that these books are paid for by the staff and once ordered, all sales are final.
  • What if a student buys a book, but is not pictured in the yearbook? If a student is missing from the yearbook because they missed picture day, no action can be taken, if the error is on the yearbook staff, we can order a correction page that can be added you the affected student's yearbook as well as all of their friends.
  • What happens if a student’s name is misspelled? This is a student run publication and mistakes happen. If the misspelled name belongs to a senior, we can request a correction sticker for the student and their friends. But no refunds will be offered.
  • What happens if a student moves away and no longer wants the book? The student may opt to donate or sell their book to another student, but all sales are final.
  • What happens if a person, group or team is unhappy with its coverage? The yearbook staff is happy to accept feedback from members of the community, but ultimately, as a student-run publication coverage decisions are made by the staff.
  • Will a damaged book be replaced? Students are encouraged to inspect their books before taking possession. The staff works hard not to distribute damaged books, but once a student accepts the book, any damage will be assumed to have been done after distribution.
  • Does the staff take action to recover a lost or stolen book? Once books are distributed, they are no longer the responsibility of the staff and so the staff will not take action to recover lost or stolen books.
  • What happens to books not retrieved at the distribution event, and for what length of time will the staff keep them? Books not picked up will remain in the yearbook teacher's class until student's pick them up. During the summer, they may be stored with the business office. The staff will keep the books for up to 1 year before reselling.

Have more questions about how we run the yearbook?

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Read our handbook here